- Fix a bug where the stock Tap to Wake feature may be unresponsive under certain conditions after LastLook hides
- Fix a bug where the Dynamic Island may sometimes stay hidden after unlocking the device
- Eneko: improve tweak support
- Notification Indicators: blacklist Siri Prediction notifications
Version History
- Add support for showing a random Mantra as the On Lock Message text
- Add Powercuts actions support for rootless (you need to install Powercuts 1.2 from Chariz or from my repo)
- New Shortcuts actions: Enable/Disable On Lock Message Text, Set On Lock Message Text
- Add a Shortcuts Actions section in settings to explain how to use them
- Exit Ambient Mode when plugging in charger to prevent seeing the animation in Ambient Mode
- Tweaked “Force Dark Mode UI” option to handle several Live Activities
- Notification Indicators: blacklist Automations notifications
- Allow iOS Timer and Alarm to dismiss LastLook
- Fix LastLook AOD Mode possibly not respecting the “Hide after inactivity” setting under certain circumstances on iOS 16
- Fix an issue where the perspective layer would not be restored on some setups
- Fix minor issues with the betterAlarm tweak
- Add support for min and max brightness (it was included in version 4.1 but I forgot to add it in the changelog)
- Add a setting to enable Low Power Mode when AOD is active
- Add a setting for “Lower Refresh Rate” when AOD is active. The feature was already available, but now there’s a setting for it
- Stop Media Player animated text to prevent it from interfering with lowered refresh rate
- Add support for “White Date Text” option for those using a light background
- Add support for Stella tweak (note: requires Stella 1.0.5 for full functionality)
- Add support for Eneko tweak
- Add support for hiding Reo tweak
- Improve handling when switching between different LockScreen setups
- Fix issue where switching from AOD to off (upon reaching the configured battery level) could cause a glitch
- Workaround a bug where displaying Spotlight over the LockScreen causes LastLook to become invisible for the next lock
- Add a setting for “Workaround white line artifacts” for those affected by this issue (likely if you’ve changed your screen resolution)
- Fix swiping issues after dismissing LastLook for devices which have stock Tap To Wake feature disabled
- Add support for dismissing Rune tweak when LastLook shows
New in 4.0:
iOS 16 Support:
- Ported all previous features to iOS 16
- Added support for the new iOS 16 Lock Screen
- Introduced Custom Brightness for AOD mode
- New Scale Effect on lock
- Option to display a custom message for a few seconds upon locking
- Support for hiding Widgets
- Support for Depth Effect wallpapers
iOS 15 and Below:
- Benefited from numerous fixes and enhancements derived from iOS 16 support
- New Scale Effect on lock
- Add support for Designer tweak (it’s no longer required to use “Never Dim LS” option in Designer)
New in 4.0:
iOS 16 Support:
- Ported all previous features to iOS 16
- Added support for the new iOS 16 Lock Screen
- Introduced Custom Brightness for AOD mode
- New Scale Effect on lock
- Option to display a custom message for a few seconds upon locking
- Support for hiding Widgets
- Support for Depth Effect wallpapers
iOS 15 and Below:
- Benefited from numerous fixes and enhancements derived from iOS 16 support
- New Scale Effect on lock
- Fix Proximity Sensor causing crash on < iOS 16.1
New in 4.0:
iOS 16 Support:
- Ported all previous features to iOS 16
- Added support for the new iOS 16 Lock Screen
- Introduced Custom Brightness for AOD mode
- New Scale Effect on lock
- Option to display a custom message for a few seconds upon locking
- Support for hiding Widgets
- Support for Depth Effect wallpapers
iOS 15 and Below:
- Benefited from numerous fixes and enhancements derived from iOS 16 support
- New Scale Effect on lock
iOS 16 Support:
- Ported all previous features to iOS 16
- Added support for the new iOS 16 Lock Screen
- Introduced Custom Brightness for AOD mode
- New Scale Effect on lock
- Option to display a custom message for a few seconds upon locking
- Support for hiding Widgets
- Support for Depth Effect wallpapers
iOS 15 and Below:
- Benefited from numerous fixes and enhancements derived from iOS 16 support
- New Scale Effect on lock
- New touch gesture action: Open Control Center
- Hide Notification Summary when LastLook is visible
- Fix time not updating on iOS 15 for some users
- Add rootless support
- Fix Respring button in settings
- Add rootless support
- Workaround orientation issues that could come up when locking device while in landscape
- Checkl0ck support: fix device not locking immediately when LastLook shows
- Refreshed tweak icon
- New option “Prevent charger from waking screen” in AOD Mode settings pane. When enabled, it will prevent screen wakes when plugging/unplugging your charger
- Force lowering screen refresh rate when LastLook is visible. It could potentially help reducing battery consumption on devices with ProMotion screens
- Support for Dodo tweak (requires latest Dodo update too)
- UI Adjustments: fix notification backgrounds sometimes staying black after dismissing LastLook
- Fix DRM causing false positives for users who have LinTui option enabled in Xina jailbreak
- Add support for iOS 15
- New option “Notification Center animation when locking from apps and Home Screen” (located under Miscellaneous)
- Shortcuts actions: now uses embedded parameters for a cleaner look
- Fix LastLook not reenabling correctly after disabling it from CCModule (or Shortcuts actions) and respringing
- Fix arm64e slice for iOS 13 devices
- Add actions to control LastLook settings using the Shortcuts app (you need to install Powercuts separately if you want to use them). By using this you can for example use Siri to change settings, Automations to have different LastLook settings depending on phone conditions (battery, time of the day…), …
- Fix battery indicator sometimes stopping updating because of other tweaks (causing wrong %)
- Add Powercuts to “My Other Tweaks” section
- Fix Tako tweak showing as installed in settings even when it’s not
- Initial release on Chariz (switched from Packix)
- Hopefully fix a Tap to Wake bug which rarely happens with no obvious reason on some devices
- Some optimizations and minor improvements