Log InVersion History
- (Much needed) smoother animations when expanding menus
- Fix content unintentionally animating itself when moving in for the first time
- Fixed VPN info not updating until the second time the menu was presented
- Changed developer branding
- Fixed an issue where the tweak would not load due to incorrect file permissions
- New bluetooth battery device menu! (Enabled by default, choose between bluetooth devices and LPM toggle in preferences)
- Fixed a miniscule memory leak that would slowly add up over time
- Reworked some haptics
- Added option to enable/disable interaction haptic feedback
- Added option to enable/disable success haptic feedback (when toggling WiFi, Airplane mode, LPM)
- Correct an issue relating to file permissions
- Fixed an issue where downloading license would fail
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the respring image from showing on Indy’s power menu
- Added support for dual sim iPhones
- Added option to adjust the animation time for menus to present/dismiss
- Added option to have menus expanded by default