Added an experimental feature that allows you to customize the corner radius of Akara. Enabling this feature and setting the radius beyond a certain value may cause the modules to go out of bound. There is no solution for this other than reducing the value.
New features:
Akara has been updated to support all devices (limited support on iPads) that run iOS 15 or iOS 16!
Akara has been partially rewritten in areas where it was needed to provide the best experience for it’s users.
The Ease LS gesture has been re-implemented.
New features:
Added the option to use the native language for connectivity buttons
Added the option to Re-order connectivity buttons
Added the option to bring back the routing button on the media module
Added the option to reset Akara to the standard Control Center in landscape mode.
The text of the playing media will now marquee in the Media module.
Added a top-right flick gesture for notched devices to open their CC as they would normally.
Added an option to use both flick top-right gesture and bottom slide gesture.
Fixed the bottom gesture to open Akara to no longer cause issues when leaving apps.
Improved bottom gesture sensitivity
Fixed the CC modules not being in the middle on right landscape orientation
Removed the Ease LS gesture as it would cause the NC to get stuck