Log InVersion History
- Rewrote a large part of the codebase for iOS 16.x support 🙌
- Added the default iOS color picker 🎨
- Fixed some small issues 🤏
- Rootless support 🧰
- Better support for hiding proximity devices popup (AirPods, the new Beats etc.)
- Moved to chariz (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚🔥・。゚
- Added support for GIF’s in the Default and Modern popup :space_invader:
- Added a new look to the preferences
- Fixed occasions where the custom color wouldn’t apply at all
- Fixed occasions where the custom color wouldn’t apply to the blur
- Fix timer issues when previewing
- When no app is set, default to a more user-friendly text on the default-button and pencil view
- Fix issues where changes to the popup would be slow to update
- Added better support for small devices
- Fixed the setting for hiding the default AirPods popup