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Zetsu is a Tweak that allows the app to multitask

Zetsu is an excellent tweak for multitasking apps. Its main features include the ability to turn apps into windowed mode and Split View. In addition, Zetsu supports horizontal screen rotation of apps in windowed and Split View modes.

Below is a review article of Zetsu:

Demo image:

If you like the features of Zetsu, you are welcome to donate via PayPal. If you are unable to donate, please follow my account on Twitter to motivate and encourage me to add even better features.

Features Included

Multitaskin Mode:

  • Enable App Split View.
  • Turn the app into Window mode

Scaling in Window mode:

  • Selection of applications for scaling.
  • Keyboard display position.
    ※Please understand that some applications do not apply scaling.


  • You can select the application Window you want to show or hide from the Control Center.

Other Functions:

  • Launch Window mode or Split View mode in the app switcher.
  • Permission to use the camera app in the background.

Future Functions:

  • [ x ] Creation of split-view functionality.Demo Video
  • [ x ] Caemra Apps Support.Demo Video
  • [ ] Addition of multiple styles in Window mode.
  • [ ] iOS14 full Support.


  • Regarding support for iOS14, I plan to release a full version in the near future. Until then, please use the Zetsu version in my repository. Repo

How to start Zetsu from an external Tweak:

  • To start Window mode:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:[NSNotification notificationWithName:@"ZetsuSwitcher" object:bundleIdentifier]];
  • To activate Split View mode:
// Starts in the upper position
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"ZetsuSplitSwitcher" object:bundleIdentifier userInfo:@{@"position":@(0)}];

// Starts in the lower position
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"ZetsuSplitSwitcher" object:bundleIdentifier userInfo:@{@"position":@(1)}];

//Automatic :: 
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"ZetsuSplitSwitcher" object:bundleIdentifier userInfo:@{@"position":@(3)}];


  • iOS15-16.7
  • arm64 & arm64e

Tested devices:

  • iPhone Xs iOS15.0 (Dopamine)
  • iPhone 14 Pro Max iOS16.0 (Dopamine)

Special thanks:

  • Thanks to Sugiuta for creating the banner and for checking and testing the operation of Zetsu.


The following two licensors were used in the development of Zetsu.

  • Konban13.
    • I used this as a reference to obtain FBScene.
  • PullOver Pro
    • We used PullOver Pro’s menu bar style additionally in v1.6.1 or later.

Feedback & Bug Report & Feature Request:

What’s New in Version 1.6.2

  • Fixed a crash problem when creating a Window from the iOS 15 app switcher.