Your status bar could use a little more magic!
Wonderbar enables you to customize your entire status bar, from the text color to the battery icon.
- Customization of the status bar text color
- Customization of the status bar text content (replace the time with anything you want!)
- Display the date above the time
- Hide the Status Bar
- Control your WiFi and Cellular icon’s colors (primary/secondary)
- Display your battery percentage within the icon
- Control your battery’s colors (interior, exterior, and lightning color)
- Control the size of the battery icon
- Replace the battery icon with a percentage (you can customize this percentage’s colors too!)
If you have any questions or bug reports, please send me a direct message on my twitter, send me an email at awesomeajn@gmail.com, or join my Discord Support server. I’ll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible!
Special Thanks
Thanks to:
- Moses Buckwalter and Erik Johnson for testing Wonderbar and helping me improve it.
- 23 Aaron for all of the graphics
- Kirb for answering my development-related questions.