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TweakReviewsDB, first released in 2019, is a tweak review platform with over 45,000 reviews and 5000 users. With TweakReviewsDB, you can check if a tweak works as advertised before installing it. You can also see what others thought about the tweak and even share your own thoughts.

TweakReviewsDB seamlessly integrates into the user interfaces of Sileo, Zebra and Cydia. Overall ratings are displayed right below the package headers in a way that feels natural for a package manager.

Submitting a review on TweakReviewsDB is very quick and easy. There is no need to create an account; reviews you submit will be automatically tied to your device.

TweakReviewsDB was created for the jailbreak community and will always be free. However, maintaining TweakReviewsDB costs time and money. If you like TweakReviewsDB, please consider supporting it.

What’s New in Version 1.2

  • Initial release on Chariz