Log InVersion History
- SwipeExtenderX is now free!
- Added new action: Show BigBangX (requires tweak)
- Fixed issue where copying nothing would clear the clipboard
- Replaced archaic text view with modern one (fixes insert text bug for RTL languages)
- SwipeExtenderX is now free!
- Added new action: Show BigBangX (requires tweak)
- Fixed issue where copying nothing would clear the clipboard
- Replaced archaic text view with modern one (fixes insert text bug for RTL languages)
- Added new action: Translate (requires Selector tweak)
- Long press action now supports opening menus
- Added option to mirror case sensitive keys
- Added option to skip emoji keyboard when cycling keyboard languages
- Added option to always show menus above key
- Menu items can now be reordered
- Fixed visual bug where menus would render behind Barmoji
- Fixed visual bug where key labels would render incorrectly
- Fixed bug swiping over delete key
- Added 2 new actions: Move cursor left, move cursor right
- Fixed crash inserting text in web browsers
- Fixed bug where paste may fail on first try
- Fixed visual bug in menu settings
- Actions can now be assigned to long press on keys
- Added 3 new actions: New line, move cursor to next word, move cursor to previous word
- Added setting to automatically generate key labels
- Fixed bug where text would not input into password fields
- Fixed visual bug in presets settings
- Initial iOS 14 support
- Fixed crash
- Fixed crash when downloading license on arm64e
- Fixed bug failing to load preferences on arm64e
- Fixed issue where the number pad delete key would do nothing
- Fixed issue where attempting to insert accented keys would invoke SwipeExtenderX
- Added setting to use legacy haptics
- Fixed bug where SwipeExtenderX would not show up in an area of the Photos app
- Most settings changes now apply without a respring
- Added better descriptions into settings
- Fix activation issue some users are experiencing
- Improved reliability with glide type
- Added option to override SwipeSelection on keys with left/right actions
- Fixed some actions not working with SwipeSelection
- Fixed delete key sometimes not working with SwipeSelection
- Fixed the “delete on touch up” setting from deleting two characters
- Fixed issue where first swipe after opening an app wouldn’t do anything
- Fixed rare crash while inserting text with autocorrect
- Fixed rare crash while opening a menu
- Increased performance
- Inserting text now integrates much better with iOS
- Added two new actions: previous keyboard & next keyboard
- Caps no longer stay on after inserting text
- Inserting text no longer breaks autocorrect
- Inserting text now works well with punctuation
- Added Russian preset — Thanks to @egigoka!
- Fixed issue where first time swiping wouldn’t do anything
- Fixed issue where key labels would render twice
- Fixed crash when using copy/paste/cut on iOS 12
- Fixed crash when opening a menu
- Fixed crash on iPad
- Fixed respring button in settings sometimes not working
- Fixed delete key not auto deleting
- Fixed key preview showing over menus
- Fixed bug with “Perform action” haptic toggle not working
- You can now paste images and URLs properly
- Fixed WebKit crashes when using iCleaner Pro
- Swiping on the delete key no longer deletes
- Fix swiping down on the L key accidentally deleting text
- Added keyboard transparency
- Added more precision to haptics
- Haptic feedback is now off by default
- Added version number in settings
- Fixed installation issue on Chimera
- Fixed another installation issue
- Added haptic feedback
- You can now import presets
- Added French (AZERTY) preset
- Improved performance
- Added support for other keyboard types
- Better license system
- Fixed issues with users on checkra1n
- Fixed emoji key displaying “actions” text
- Fixed chinese keyboard showing random strings
- Fixed glide type
- Alert will no longer softlock device in rare cases
- Fixed return key staying gray after inserting text
- Activator is now loaded at runtime
- Fixed menu actions not deleting
- Added respring button