Playtopia 2 is the successor to the the original Playtopia from 2016. It is a feature packed floating music widget that you can access from anywhere, no matter what you’re doing on your device.
Mini player, which shows all information about the now playing song (music progress, volume bar, album artwork, song and artist name, etc).
Tiny player, which has a circular music progress bar and a pause/play button.
Search through your Apple Music library and play your favourite songs without needing to open the app.
Dark / light themes.
Different media button themes.
Hide in specified apps.
iPad support
Tucks away on the edges of the screen.
CC module.
Activator Support.
Pause music when tucked away on the side of the screen.
Resume music when not tucked away on the side of the screen.
A beautiful design that makes the tweak feel like it should be a default iOS feature.
Beautiful preferences pane.
And much more!
Double tap to switch between mini and tiny player.
Long hold to switch between dark/light mode.
Tap the music progress bar to switch to the volume slider.